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Dildo, N.L., man captures phallic iceberg in Conception Bay

Only in Newfoundland…

By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: E2theB

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Lemon Party

Sour about the two party system? Check out the Lemon Party!

By: calvinhobbes | | 18+ | Thanks: enbee

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Let's Have A Satanic Orgy

New music video from Twin Temple, the satanic doo-wop band.

By: WayGroovy | | 18+ | Thanks: CrispyCroissant

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Roberto Carerea's 3rd Leg

but I go by Obi

By: WayGroovy | | 18+ | Thanks: Obi

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The Problem With Dicks In Space

as told by John?

By: WayGroovy |

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Dis Pee Pee Copyright Claimed By Nintendo

Do you wanna see bowser's bohner?

By: WayGroovy | | 18+ | Thanks: GrooovyJr

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An Oral History of C-3PO’s Pen

The Infamous Star Wars ‘Error Card’

By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: my username

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The Taint BandAide

I got this idea. Let's strap an app controlled TENS to my taint and see how it goes.

By: WayGroovy | | 18+

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Our Robocop Remake - Scene 27

Your move creep.

By: WayGroovy | | 18+ | Thanks: OberonFox

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The George Foreskin Grill

What do you get when Justin Roiland asks Red Letter Media to do a fake commercial?

By: WayGroovy | | 18+ | Thanks: Chester

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The Shape or a Fish Dick

Just in time for Valentine's Day!

By: WayGroovy | | 18+ | Thanks: Volshebnik

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That Time We Got To See Mario's Dick

It's a wee a mario

By: WayGroovy | | 18+ | Thanks: beppo

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The Dick Pic

We don't take dick pics seriously, but as this cultured voice explains, maybe we should.

By: WayGroovy | | 18+ | Thanks: onemanarmy

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Generic Political Candidate Mask

Prepare yourself for Halloween, Election Day, Trump-led apocalypse ... Valentines?

By: WayGroovy | | 18+ | Thanks: AdmrlCapnPrwlr

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The Scariest Video You Have Ever Watched in the Name of Science

It must be hard, carrying all that weight betwixt his legs.

By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: Meatloaf

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Fight Smarter not Harder!

How David really beat Goliath. (facebook vid)

By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: DorgoDorato

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Wang whacker. Cock Knocker. P... you get the idea.

dick punch

By: WayGroovy | | 18+ | Thanks: teryakisan

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Lesbians Touching Sausage

See the reaction of lesbian girls touching a weiners for their first time
Quite funny

By: WayGroovy | | 18+ | Thanks: El Toro

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Removing guns from photos of GOP candidates and replacing them with plasti dongers

By: WayGroovy | | 18+ | Thanks: heinzeketchum

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The URL sort of says it all...
This is not horrifying and funny than I thought it would be. Mainly at the thought of the behind the scenes process
Did I mention mangina?

By: WayGroovy | | 18+ | Thanks: IdentityOne

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Throwing Shade

The cure to California's water problem? Balls. All of them.

By: dugpitz | | Thanks: JT WOOD

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Kevin Bacon demands more male nudity in Hollywood

By: WayGroovy | | 18+

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Monday Meditation for Morons

Find your inner Madagascar and achieve Rangoon levels of zen.

By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: slut

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Babymetal all grown up?

By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: DorgoDorato

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When wearing a speedo is overdressing

Put your marbles in a pouch this summer.

By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: wittyname

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The True Story of How Babies Are Made

I learned a thing or two. Very informative.

By: WayGroovy | | 18+ | Thanks: slut

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John Oliver's Interview with Edward Snowden

John Oliver flew out to Russia to ask Edward Snowden the most important question: Can the NSA see my dick pic?

The interview itself starts around the 13:30 mark.

By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: JT WOOD

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Eat a Bag of Dicks. Or send them

anonymously, to someone you think deserves them - "Shipping keeps you anonymous but with a friendly reminder to the recipient to get their daily dose of vitamin D."

Is this a thing now? Is this what we're doing as a society?

By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: KNW

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Happy Valentine's Day

To all the fellas out there with ladies to impress
It's easy to do just follow these steps

By: WayGroovy | | 18+ | Thanks: Spanky

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Cricket related mangina photos.

Collected for possible use in mangina cricket calendar.

By: WayGroovy | | 18+ | Thanks: justme

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