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Test Your Monitor/Browser Refresh Rate

Click the links to show a "CSS crime" that acts like a zoetrope to test your monitor or browser refresh rate. Neat.

By: calvinhobbes | | Thanks: calvinhobbes

[Comments (7)]


Turning the Sun Into a Giant Telescope

How to look at the surface of an earth-sized planet 100 light years away by traveling away from it

By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: JT WOOD

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Gnome - Wenceslas

It's not the size that counts. It's the spirit of rebellion, I guess.

By: calvinhobbes | | Thanks: reno

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Clockers - Steampunk rendition of Hackers

Clockers.... Sometimes people have too much time on their hands.

By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: stunder

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Adam Savage On Understanding Measurement

How accurate is measurement, really?

By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: Softest Voice

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The Choice Is Yours

What is the matrix?

By: WayGroovy |

[Comments (9)]


The History of Creepy Dolls

Take a trip to the uncanny valley and hope you make it back unscathed comment: Probably more than you ever needed to know about dolls. Basically, They're creeps!

By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: Volshebnik

[Comments (1)]


Mario Kart Wii Ultra Shortcuts REVISITED

52 pulse-pounding minutes of intense Mario Kart Wii ultra shortcut insanity. I have no idea why this crap is so interesting.

By: calvinhobbes |

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MIDI Madness

This is the dumbest, most brilliant thing I have seen today.

By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: stunder

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What it's Like to Run a 3D Print Farm - 50+ PRINTERS

youtuber Galactic Armory

By: WayGroovy |

[Comments (9)]


Baby Yoda VS Adult Yoda! Baby Yoda Learns How To Use A Lightsaber

Ready you are for an advanced lightsaber technique.

By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: my username

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When you get it, you will smile.

By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: Exception error

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“Darrylgorn: The Laketown Spy”

LOTR mega-fan Stephen Colbert asks Peter Jackson to expand his cameo role from The Hobbit into a new trilogy.

By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: arothman

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40 Years Of Empire

Behind the Scenes

By: WayGroovy |

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Technobabble Al Fresco #6

which star trek series had a theme song that was not only nominated for an emmy but won

By: WayGroovy |

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May the 4th Be With You

Star Wars: All New Toys

By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: Yuppykiller

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Lightsabers Of Star Wars 9

Recently, Lucasfilm Archivist Madlyn Burkert shared three of her favorite lightsaber prop pieces from the final film in the Skywalker saga, highlighting hidden details in the craftsmanship for each one.

By: WayGroovy |

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Lego + Nintendo = Wow

I didn't know I need this, but now I cannot live without it

By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: JT WOOD

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This guy has it all

You know you envy him

By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: rezaxis

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The next phase of cellphones

It still needs a slot for dimes.

By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: bronskrat

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"Star Wars: Underworld" test footage + Making Of

Released test footage from 2010 of the cancelled Star Wars TV show "Underworld," which was to take place in the lower levels of Coruscant. The series was set after the events of Order 66.

By: WayGroovy |

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Learning About the HP 48

more nerd that most of us can handle.

By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: stunder

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D&D - HomeBrewery

Create authentic looking D&D homebrews using only markdown

By: WayGroovy |

[Comments (3)]


Talk To Transformer And See What Comes Out

I took a huge cup full of eggs and threw them deep into the hurricane. I could not imagine the screams I heard from that moment forward as my husband and I were sucked into its storm. I was completely lost in the storm and what felt like it took over. It didn't.

By: calvinhobbes |

[Comments (45)]


NaN Gates

And Flip Flops

By: WayGroovy |

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Published by Rand McNally in 1931, is an ambitious attempt at fitting a mountain of historical information onto a five-foot-long poster.

By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: stunder

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Goodbye my Queen

Nezhmetdinov vs Chernikov

By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: stunder

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Common Guys You're Dereferencing A Null Pointer

this helped me so much when debugging issues

By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: stunder

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Star Trek (TMP) Enterprise Refit

Are the angled nacelle struts on the Enterprise Refit merely cosmetic, or do they serve a clearly-observable functional purpose?

By: WayGroovy |

[Comments (2)]


Details Down Below

Compiled from high-res satellite images, a new map of Antarctica reveals the continent in stunning detail.

By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: slut

[Comments (13)]