Bagpipes never shredded so good

Bag Pipes are traditionally associated with strangling a cat.... The Red Hot Chilli Piper's didn't get that message though. Here's their version of Avicii's 'Wake Me Up'

By: WayGroovy | 1 February 2014, 11:13 am | Thanks: IdentityOne

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eat it. just eat it.

To qualify for the Wing Bowl, Molly Schuyler ate nine pounds of cottage cheese in 114 seconds. She also holds a world record for eating a 72-ounce steak in less than three minutes.

Schuyler, a 5-foot-7, 125-pound mother of four, devoured a jaw-dropping 363 wings over 30 minutes and three rounds to set the record at Wing Bowl 22 on Friday at the Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia. The previous record was held by Takeru Kobayashi, who ate 337 wings at the event in 2012.

By: WayGroovy | 31 January 2014, 11:21 pm | Thanks: JaiDubs

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Falling Down

Just moments after Jamie Lee jumped from a plane earlier this month, he collided with another skydiver and was knocked unconscious. As he hurtled to the ground from 12,500 feet, two other skydivers noticed he wasn't responding.

By: WayGroovy | 31 January 2014, 1:43 pm | Thanks: JT WOOD

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We're not on the map, and

I can't find Fazed :(

By: WayGroovy | 31 January 2014, 11:18 am | Thanks: Ran some

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You can be sure I had a raccailibility time with this culuconinmos game

Ghent University Center for Reading Research Word test How many English words do you know? With this test you get a valid estimate of your English vocabulary size within 4 minutes and you help scientific research.

By: WayGroovy | 30 January 2014, 4:31 pm | Thanks: JaiDubs

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1 year in 8 minutes.

Behold EUMESAT's first annual global weather overview! Over the course of eight minutes, the narrated video reviews all the global weather 2013 had to offer, from arctic blasts to super-typhoons.

By: WayGroovy | 30 January 2014, 2:17 pm | Thanks: JT WOOD

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Skipping school has never been more srs bsn

Grab your friends and head out to the sun. The free and the young.

By: WayGroovy | 30 January 2014, 9:43 am | 18+ | Thanks: zelgadis

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Imagine Virtual Lego in Your Browser

Google and Lego have partnered to bring you a Virtual Lego Playground in your browser. Way cool!

By: WayGroovy | 30 January 2014, 9:25 am | Thanks: Heferito

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Screenshots of Over $200,000 USD Getting Destroyed

Video "footage" of the battle here. Any EVE Online veterans out here?

By: WayGroovy | 29 January 2014, 9:39 am | Thanks: User

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Such Weather. Much Doge.

Everybody's most loved/hated meme as a weather app.

By: WayGroovy | 28 January 2014, 10:19 pm | Thanks: redchiron

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Trails of Murmurations of Starlings, Murders of Crows, and Others

If birds left trails like bullet tracers, it would look like this.

By: WayGroovy | 28 January 2014, 10:18 pm | Thanks: mediaphile

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Lean To Turn, or To See.

Really cool gas powered monocycle invention - looks like something from Mad Max!

By: WayGroovy | 28 January 2014, 10:14 pm | Thanks: Heferito

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Another Cardboard Box

Any boombox lovers out there? DJ and designer Axel Pfaender introduces a sustainable, low-cost ghetto blaster that you assemble yourself.

By: WayGroovy | 28 January 2014, 10:12 pm | Thanks: E2theB

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National Museum of Natural History - Virtual Tour

"Have fun exploring."

By: dugpitz | 27 January 2014, 9:59 pm | Thanks: OberonFox

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Tactical Velociraptor

Introducing the World's First Tactical Dinosaur, if only Jesus rode this into battle.....

By: WayGroovy | 27 January 2014, 2:45 pm | Thanks: JaiDubs

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This Submission is Almost as Old as Beeb's.


By: WayGroovy | 27 January 2014, 9:10 am | Thanks: Bebblebrox

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Make It So

A Parody of "Let It Go" from Disney's Frozen

Update: More of this song. For Everyone! (Thanks Erg0n!)

By: WayGroovy | 25 January 2014, 9:42 pm | Thanks: X2thaG

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This Submission Figuratively Might Perhaps Mildly Entertain You For a Moment

Downworthy: A browser plugin to turn hyperbolic viral headlines into what they really mean

By: WayGroovy | 25 January 2014, 9:26 pm | Thanks: Heferito

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The Greatest Event in Television History? I Think So...

Paul Rudd and Adam Scott in a frame-by-frame recreation of the opening credits sequence from the classic '80s sitcom Bosom Buddies.

By: WayGroovy | 25 January 2014, 8:47 am | Thanks: dnico78

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So Touching

Jean-Baptiste Chandelier performs a dazzling array of paragliding maneuvers, the likes of which would have killed a normal man long ago.

By: calvinhobbes | 24 January 2014, 6:52 pm

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Google Show of Immense Power

A reminder that the vernal equinox is coming.

By: Admins | 24 January 2014, 2:57 pm | Thanks: Heferito

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Oklahoma State (and 5 others) Senator Introduces Bill to Legalize Marijuana

I'm in favor. And I don't smoke. I'm just tired of stupid laws that don't make sense in the real world.

By: WayGroovy | 23 January 2014, 10:27 pm | Thanks: WayGroovy

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Final Confessions of a Silk Road Kingpin

A friend of mine who doesn't drink or do drugs edited this piece. Her lead in was "if the functionally straightedge kid says you should read the interview with the drug dealer, you listen."

By: WayGroovy | 23 January 2014, 10:23 pm | Thanks: Tocsy

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Denham Psycho

It's an ad for a jeanmaker but it's pretty much how I think all hipsters think and would act if they could.

By: WayGroovy | 23 January 2014, 10:21 pm | 18+ | Thanks: razor

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8 Bit Nails

A Trent Reznor sanctioned video game chiptuned re-imagining of Pretty Hate Machine.

By: WayGroovy | 22 January 2014, 9:08 pm | Thanks: traverses

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Hungover Climber Gets Stuck. Something Else Comes Loose.

The title speaks for itself. A lot of bonus Canadian soreys thrown in to make this one of the funniest videos I've watched in a while.

By: WayGroovy | 22 January 2014, 9:04 pm | Thanks: labyayy

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The Truth Behind KFC's Chicken Sourcing

"do someone whant flamed chicken" cries one of the many members of the public, outraged over the revelation.

By: calvinhobbes | 22 January 2014, 3:29 pm

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I Didn't Find a Category for This.

Flavor your Soul Patch hipster.

By: WayGroovy | 21 January 2014, 8:52 pm | Thanks: JaiDubs

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How to Knock Off a Saddleback Leather Bag.

Are you looking for a shortcut to success? Watch this "How To" video and learn all of the shortcuts and tricks others already use to bypass quality. And you too can make loads of money knocking off our Saddleback Leather Briefcases. Riches untold!!!

By: WayGroovy | 21 January 2014, 8:35 pm | Thanks: Maqroll

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Legend of Zelda (Chipophone)

This guy built this piano to play nintendo sounds and then plays video game music with it.

By: WayGroovy | 21 January 2014, 8:26 pm | Thanks: JDH annan

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