Beemer blue? Or is it red? Or black?
a guy mixes 2 different pearls to make the coolest car paint you've seen on a BMW.
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a guy mixes 2 different pearls to make the coolest car paint you've seen on a BMW.
Generated Adventure is a tiny point-and-click adventure game with art, music, and story generated by different Machine Learning systems.
world's tiniest serial killer
Just like a lot of us here, there's no time for this sort of thing anymore.
Can I put my finger in it?
Martian woman doesn't ask for directions and ends up in a small Scottish town's inn instead of London. Declares that Mars is short of men and has come to Earth to conquer it to bring back males for mating. English bloke at the inn decides that she is the enemy and must be stopped.
It is hard to believe this worked.
8 years now, eh?
A calm discussion regarding existing A.I. capabilities and how they can impact or world.
Only in Newfoundland…
Just spreading the word
Really. They finally settled the big lawsuit and any past user will get part of the settlement.
The first line of this article is amazing
Don't let a little civil unrest get in the way of the perfect croissant
Daily word guessing game by the maker of The Oatmeal
But seriously, I lost a big toe nail the same way, it actually got whacked twice within 30 minutes, from 2 different sources. The healing process was the same.
What do you do with a working model V8 engine? Adapt it into a cordless drill of course!
Do you guys want to grab an early lunch?
He's back, now with more wisdom.
Engrossing walk through of finding the origin of a recent discovery.
Balenciaga meets Harry Potter, AI generated. I've lost my sanity.